Saturday, September 18, 2010

San Gorgonio via Vivian creek

With the Cactus to Clouds to Cactus coming up on Oct 9th, a tough
hike was in order.  5am at the ranger station but no permit
available.  I met Edgar and his group from Hollywood.  They
have a permit for 8 but only 5 showed.  I'm In.

From the trail head you climb 1,200' to
Vivian Creek in 1 mile.  From there the trail
mellows out and you can just cruise. 

I hung out with  "Hollywood" to Vivian Creek.
Put in the Ipod and headed out.  Weather is perfect,
55 and clear.

High creek camp in just under 2.5 hours.
I'm supposed to turn around at 4 hours but
it looks like I can make the summit in 4-ish.

Over 10,000' and at least 5 miles from the trail head!
OK, I'm alright with the smoking but the littering...come on.

San Jacinto and a look at the Cactus to Clouds route.

The trail pretty much follows the left ridge.  Start at the museum in
Palm Springs (elevation 700') and hike to the summit (10,634').
Then back down to the tram - about 16 miles and over 10,000'
of elevation gain!. 

Oct 9, no tram.  Add 10 miles and 8,000' of
down.  We'll be starting about 2am.

Just below tree line and I can see a fire came through here.
All of the tree's survived.  


Nearing the summit and looking back
for any signs of the Hollywood gang.  Place is empty.
For no permits being available, where is everybody?
Besides the Hollywood group, I've only
talked to 3 other hikers.

Nice to know that after 4 hours and 8 miles I'm heading
in the right direction.

The summit in view.  It's more of a bump than a 
summit but it is what it is.

8.6 miles in 4 hours and 10 minutes.
Another personal best!

Edgar and the rest of Hollywood!
I'm sure they all made it.  Probably 1.5 hours to go from here.

The trail is in great condition.   I was able to jog
out for a 2 hour and 35 minute exit. 

6 hour 45 minute - 17.2  mile round trip.


  1. hi larry! it's fran from the hollywood gang. we did make it. although not all at once. i was the first to arrive at 6hrs 40mins. then the rest of the gang started to pour in. we finished at 10.5hrs. we took plenty of rests. i personally ended up taking 368 pictures.

    thanks again for helping us find the trail. looking back i think that as dark as it was, we would have gotten lost before finding it. i've been inspired by your 4hr summit. that's crazy good. i think i can maybe do 5 if i don't stop at every corner to take pictures. might go back again soon and try to.

    some of the hollywood gang is also thinking of doing san jacinto next month. specifically this trail:

  2. hey nice meeting you larry!

    this is frank, the first guy you met at the ranger station. aka the slow one in the hollywood crew. hah

    that was quite a butt-kicking hike! thanks for leading the way.

  3. I knew you guys would make it - Nice!

    Marion's a tough hike. Let me know when you plan on going, I'd love to give it a go.

  4. larry! hope you get this today! we're going to go to san jacinto (marion way) on saturday october 16th. shoot me an email if you're interested. it'd be cool if you could join us.
